Dr. Wong Sai Chung, Albert, aged 58, Executive Director of our Company. Dr. Wong is responsible for overall management and overseeing marketing and engineering work of our Company. Dr. Wong, who joined Ngai Shun Construction & Drilling Co. in 1994 and being appointed as Executive Director of Ngai Shun Construction & Drilling Co. Ltd in 1999, has over 28 years of experience in foundation works. Before joining our Company, he worked for Reinforced Earth (SEA) Pte. Ltd. as senior project engineer from 1989 to 1993 and Reinforced Earth Pacific Ltd. as assistant general manager and consultant from 1993 to 1999. Both Reinforced Earth (SEA) Pte. Ltd. and Reinforced Earth Pacific Ltd. are companies that provided civil engineering and design services. Dr. Wong has been awarded as Honorary Doctorate of Engineering at Lincoln University and Fellowship at Asian College of Knowledge Management in April 2015. Dr. Wong also obtained a master of science degree in civil engineering from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in December 2006, a postgraduate diploma in civil engineering from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in November 1998, a graduate diploma in business administration from the Singapore Institute of Management in December 1991, and a bachelor of engineering degree from the National University of Singapore in June 1988. He was admitted as a member of the Institution of Engineers, Singapore in 2000. He was also admitted to a program of doctor of business administration degree at the University of Newcastle, Australia, specialising in global corporate governance, social responsibility and international business strategy. In addition, he was awarded the Leader of Excellence Award 2013 issued by the CAPITAL magazine.